【For Tsukuba Citizens】City Chat Cafe in 2024 will be held

Join us for a chat with international students from University of Tsukuba and enjoy conversations in English. Feel free to participate!
This fiscal year we will hold this event at 2 different places each month, a brand new place "Corridoio" at Tsukuba Center and Global Village Community Station at University of Tsukuba! Please come and join us! ※Pre-registrasion for each time is neccessary.
For more information, please check from here.
We look forward to your participation!
【毎月のチャットテーマ/Chat Theme】
日付/Date | 前半/1st half (13:10-14:30) | 後半/2nd half (14:45-15:45) |
6月16日/June 16th | Cuisine around the world | Cheat day food |
7月21日/July 21st | Festivals | Summer holiday |
10月20日/October 20th | World heritage sites in Japan | Culture shock |
11月17日/November 17th | Seasons | Routines / Activities |
12月15日/December 15th | Let’s talk about science! | Science activity in everyday life |
1月19日/January 19th | Dream holiday | Memories |
2月16日/February 16th | Games of childhood | Movies/books |
(Japanese followed by English)