
おとなの日本語講座 (4月はじまり)


The application for April class starts from March 3 Monday, 9:00 am.
3月(がつ)3日(にち)月曜日(げつようび)9:00AM からです。

Our Association (TIA) hold Japanese conversation classes for the foreign residents of Tsukuba and their families (the course is also available for people who work at Tsukuba). The course focuses on everyday Japanese conversation, and is recommended for people who are total beginners as well as those who have some Japanese ability. Come and join our class!

About the class for semester 2 2024

About the class for semester 2 2024
Japanese language classes are no longer being accepted for this term.
The next session will start in October.
Registration will open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, .
More details will be announced on TIA website in late February.


2,000 yen
Some classes need textbook in addition. Check below.


Online: ZOOM
    Please install it on your device from here https://zoom.us/download

    You can connect to this app via smartphone, tablet, or PC personal computer.     Internet connection required.

Face-to-face: Intercultural Room at 3rd floor in Corridoio (1-10-1, Azuma, Tsukuba)

Application Period

From 2nd of September, Monday, 9:00 am

Class Period

October to Februry, 15 sessions in total


Google form: https://forms.gle/eNHD9PdjEMaxUd4f7 (OR the QR code on the flyer)

More info

Flyer in full screen (Please check the details of the classes from here)


・Please apply to one class per person.
・The first week (October 8, 9, 10) is free trial. You cannot try the class in free afterward.

Class Level


Japanese 1 (Haven't studied Japanese)
For people who have no experience in learning Japanese. Study greetings, self-introduction, nouns, adjectives, and essential sentences.
Japanese 2 (Beginner)
For people who have studied Japanese more than 50 hours. Study conjugations, the ordinary form of the verb, expressions of hope and invitations.
Japanese 3 (Normal)
For people who have studied Japanese more than 100 hours or people who have the ability of *JLPT N5 or *CEFR A1 level. Learn how to talk about various things with friends, colleagues, and even your boss at work. Ask questions and talk about familiar topics.
Nihongo no Kai (Advance)
For people who have studied Japanese more than 300 hours or people who have the ability of *JLPT N4 or *CEFR A2 level. Study at a somewhat more natural and speedy pace, like in ordinary life. Talk about topics that interest you, your hopes, dreams and plans for the future, and learn to explain why in Japanese.
Read & Write (Based on your level)
For people who can read Hiragana, and want to learn Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

Textbook (Please buy by yourself.)

Ippo Nihongo Sampo Shokyu 1 - 2,640 yen (Japanese 1 & 2)
Ippo Nihongo Sampo Shokyu 2 - 2,640 yen (Japanese 3)

2025ねん こうき の くらす について

2025ねん こうき の くらす について
こんきの くらすの うけつけは おわりました。
つぎの くらすは 4がつからです。
もうしこみは 3がつ 3にち げつようび あさ9じ からです。
あたらしい じょうほうは 2がつが おわるまえに ここに かきます。


2,000 えん
ほかに きょうかしょの おかねが いる くらす あります。


    ここから だうんろーど https://zoom.us/download

    すまほ/たぶれっと/ぱそこん つかいます。

    いんたーねっと いります。

たいめん:こりどいお 3かい たぶんか きょうせい るーむ (つくばし あづま 1-10-1)

もうしこみの ひ

3がつ 3にち げつようび あさ9じ ~

くらすの きかん

4がつ ~ 7がつ、ぜんぶで 15かい


Google formhttps://forms.gle/eNHD9PdjEMaxUd4f7(ちらしの QR こーど も つかえます)


ちらしを おおきく みる(くらすの ないようは ここを みる)


・もうしこみは ひとり ひとつまで です。
・10がつ 8、9、10にちは むりょうで おためしできます。そのあとは おかねがいります。

くらすの れべる


「はじめて にほんごを べんきょうします」の ひと。
にほんごを 50 じかん べんきょうした ひと。「にほんの せいかつは どうですか。」「いっしょにいきませんか。」など。
よみかき(あなたの れべるに あわせます)
ひらがながよめる人が、ひらがな・かたかな・かんじのべんきょう をします。

Textbook(じぶんで かいます)

いっぽ にほんご さんぽ しょきゅう1 - 2,640えん(にほんご1&2)
いっぽ にほんご さんぽ しょきゅう2 - 2,640えん(にほんご3)


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